Domestic Family Court Legislation
Kansas Statue Changes
Legislation and Publications to Assist Domestic Family Court Process and Proceedings 
Professional Review on MyLife:
Trina A. Nudson failed to identify psychological abuse of my children and caused damage to them.... because of Ms. Nudson's incompetence. I am filing a Licensing Board complaint against her and My Child's Advocate. She forms opinions early before doing due diligence. She never interviewed list of people before making a recommendation to the court.... It is sad that the courts trust this woman. Do not allow a judge to assign her as your children's Guardian ad Litem. Based on how she handled our case, it is my opinion that she has many binding sights of ignorance and doesn't recognize psychological abuse.... I'm extremely angry with this woman for her poor handling of our case.... Stay far away from this woman and her "practice."
Judges won't do their job and obstruct justice of Kansas children and families to send Trina A Nudson unnecessary work to pay for her high salary, and the salaries of her increasing staff, and her new building, and her many benefits and perks of her position. She helps children if she gets paid and extorts money from the children's college funds and families financial resources. IT IS EXTORTION BY TRINA A "Gets Paid" NUDSON. Abused children DO NOT GET HELP FROM TRINA UNLESS SHE GETS PAID - a lot. Manditory reporting laws are violated - they don't care about Kansas children - My Child Advocate and The Layne Project will act like they really care about children to get mony from donation, State resources, and extortion money from children's college funds and the resources of families. It's an act. If the Kansas judges would do their jobs children would probably not need Trina for anything - The judges just obstruct.
KANSAS VOTERS CAN NOT Remove a JUDGE by retention vote. CHANGE K.S.A. 20-2908 - Retention Election Percentage
REPLACE "(a majority)" with "forty percent" and return judicial accountability to the Kansas voters
KANSAS VOTERS CAN NOT Remove a JUDGE by retention vote election
CHANGE K.S.A. 20-2908 - Lower Retention Election Percentage and return judicial accountability to the Kansas voters
NO LAWS WILL HELP CHILDREN OR FAMILIES WITH BAD JUDGES  MAKING CUSTODY DECISIONS - Recusal - Removal - Retention Voting to improve judicial processes for children and fathers
KANSAS VOTERS CAN NOT Remove a JUDGE by Retention Election Vote. It has never happened, judges knows this stastical election fact. The Kansas voters are the ones that DO NOT know judges can not be removed with the current law KSA 20-2908. 
website counter
Judicial child abuse by not IMMEDIATELY protecting the child's best interest and not doing their job causes:
Increased probability of behavior disorders, youth imprisonment, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and suicide.
Judges allowing residential custody to a parent who cannot CO-PARENT creates the increased risk of living below poverty level, physical and emotionally unhealthy, and not going to college.
Judges do your job - DO NOT GIVE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO LYING ATTORNEYS that have no interest in the best interest of anyone except themselves.
I would like to thank the District Judges and their attorney friends for the child abuse they cause and continue to allow.
Judges do your job by immediately protecting children by actually caring about truth, justice, and children.
https://thelayneproject.com/directors/ no child saved until trina paid
The Layne Project and My Child Advocate 
My Child Advocate, P.A. 201 E Loula St, Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: 913.829.8838
Knowledge of child abuse from court motion for immediate change of custody trina amy DID NOTHING EXCEPT REQUEST MONEY or the minor child can continue to be abused, and threatened with a hammer, and told to sleep outside in the winter. trina needs to pay new building its NOT ABOUT CHILDREN its about the Benjamin's 
Return the Focus to the Child
My Child Advocate is a child and family law center dedicated to helping stabilize families, providing children a voice and advocating for their best interests. We hold the best interest of children paramount and think of your child as our own. NOT
EVERY CHILD DESERVES A VOICE if you first pay trina legal obstruction to protecting children allows child abuse 
My Child Advocate is a professional association created to provide affordable, child-centered legal and case management services to children and families. In family custody disputes, parents, caregivers, and even the courts, often lose sight of the best interests of the child. My Child Advocate, through legal representation, guardian ad litem and case management appointments, helps return the focus to the child. NOT
My Child Advocate provides child-focused legal representation to parents, caregivers and others who are interested in keeping the focus on the child. NOT