Questions for National CASA and Kansas CASA board of directors :


1.       How did Caitlyn Eakin get the top Kansas CASA job over other candidates?

2.       Why is there such a great difference in the qualifications and experience of the previous state director Vanessa Dudley-Miller compared to Caitlyn Eakin?

3.       What are the written required qualifications for CASA state director position?

4.       Why did Kansas CASA lower the education and experience qualifications of the director job and appoint Caitltn Eakin?

5.       How many job candidates applied and were interviewed for the position of Kansas CASA state director?

6.       Why is quality of service not the highest priority of Kansas CASA over Caitlyn Eakin's repeated goal of increased funding and accelerated growth in all districts?

7.       WHO made the decision for the lowered education and experience requirement when they appointing Caitlyn Eakin?

8.       WHO is accountable for review of Caitlyn Eakin's job performance?

9.       How often in the job probationary employment period will Caitlyn Eakin be reviewed for acceptable performance of job requirements?

10.   DID ANYONE USE THE WORD NEPOTISM when the hiring decision was communicated to the CASA organization, i.e., patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of personal and family relationships?

11.   Did anyone question the hiring decision for Caitlyn Eakin based on the extremely lowered qualifications from the previous Kansas CASA director Vanessa Dudley-Miller, e.g., doctorite degree and significant experience with cridentials vs undergrad in business with accounting courses at a community college?


13.   How will this hiring decision effect the brand building of CASA organization?

14.   Who would one write to express their concerns about the hiring new Kansas CASA director, Caitlyn Eakin?

15.   Did anyone ask why the unprofessional picture of Caitlyn Eakin is published on the Kansas CASA website, e.g., four of five corporate professionals would not approve the picture?

16.   Can this hiring decision of Caitlyn Eakin be reviewed by National CASA for nepotistic hiring practices of Kansas CASA?